Why a heat pump?

A heat pump is able to provide heating, cooling and sanitary hot water with a single unit all year round, getting the perfect temperature anywhere, both in winter and summer and can also produce hot water in a simple way, economical and respectful with the environment. A heat pump is capable of transporting more heat than the electrical energy it consumes.

It is a technology that uses energy from renewable sources available in ambient air, soil or surface water. It is inexhaustible, free, improves the energy efficiency of the system and reduces the consumption of non-renewable primary energy.

The heat pumps transfer the heat present in the outside air -even in temperatures below zero degrees centigrade- to the space that wants to be heated, therefore they do not burn any type of fossil fuel that harms the environment. Besides, by multiplying the performance of the electrical energy it consumes, they allow the user to save money.

The use of heat pumps provides security, since any type of accident caused by explosions or electric burns is avoided.







We are a group of engineers, professional technicians and investors who create Winston in the region, to solve the needs of Aerotermia. Winston has the most efficient and high quality equipment on the market. We represent the line of products from one of the largest industries in the world referring to Aerotermia.

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